Ghostwriters International - 1 Article A Day
Whatever niche you're in you need brand new content every single day. It takes time to research and write this content, and this is why you need to outsource it.
Forget articles which are sent to many different people, because you have to rewrite them even if it's only 30%. Why not have articles created for your niche, which totally meet your needs.
Forget articles which have been for sale for almost as long as the net has been around. OK! This might be exaggerated.
Have your own articles, daily delivered to your inbox. Every day, without fail you will have your own article.
We will research the niche, and then write you a daily article.
Are there any niches we won't write about?
- Adult niches
- Gaming
- Dating
- Hate Related
What are you getting for this great deal?
Gold Package
31 Blog Post between 300 and 350 words delivered daily to your inbox.

Platinum Package
31 Articles between 400 and 500 words delivered daily to Inbox
